For those of us who have ever wanted to say something via art or more specifically in the form of a stage play knows firsthand how expensive it can be. It can be so expensive in fact that I have personally felt artistically imprisoned by the lack of resources to produce work that I felt needed to be out there. So if not for those that have extended invitations to perform at their church homes or privately owned venues…it’s safe to say that all the cost falls to Y-O-U!!!!

In my findings I have discovered that the average production shown locally cost around $5000 and without a huge following, the idea of you breaking even is a dream. In fact, most Playwrights take an enormous financial loss but you know us artists, most of us are so excited to get our voice out there via our work that we shake off that financial setback.

So what’s the problem?

It’s good to shake things off isn’t it?

It’s great not letting things get you down! Right?!

The answer…

Yes, it’s great to shake things off. Yes, it is great to move forward and persist in the face of adversity. The problem is time.

Time waits for nothing or no one.

There’s a window of time in which one has to take advantage of the momentum currently in place as it pertains to the current buzz surrounding your production and humbly speaking…HFS has quite a few bumble bees!!!!! LOL

Having HAPPINESS FOR SURVIVAL be so well received is a dream come true for me, actually it’s a dream come true for the entire cast. Almost immediately after this dream became a reality came this question
“When is HAPPINESS FOR SURVIVAL coming back?!!!!!!”
It was the most beautiful question I had ever heard. The audience enjoyed themselves so much so that they would pay to see it again and bring even more friends and family. This was GREAT!!!

Oh, I was asked a question wasn’t I…I was so busy doing my inward happy dance that I totally forgot there for a moment. The answer I blurted out oh so happily was “SOON!!!!!” I had no idea what “SOON” meant. I had no idea if soon meant 6 months or 6 years from now. All I knew is I didn’t want to drown out the excitement and enthusiasm that was so front and center in that moment, so “SOON” was the best vocabulary word that I could respond with at the time.

Of course I wanted to say “Next week, get everyone in the whole wide world to come with you and we’ll have the time of our lives again!!!!” but money at least for the time being is a factor and the fact is I just didn’t have the cash to bring HFS back to the stage in a timely manner. This is of course a huge concern, I mean after all, TEAM HFS has spent months and months getting the word out there.
You name it, we did it!
Social media, word of mouth, flyers, business cards, emails, phone calls and then some! We did all of this advertising to get to the point where we would then perform, knock the audiences socks off and have them feeling like they can’t wait to see it again and it happened. YAY!!!!!!

NOW, here’s where you come in!
No 2 ways about it.
We need volunteers to help at the door, more stagehands, more videographers, more photographers. I know you’re brilliant and you usually get paid a GAZILLION bucks for your expertise (as well you should…WHOOP WHOOP!!!) but right now we need your genius voluntarily.
Just saying!
No need to pull any punches.
We, TEAM HFS, will most assuredly succeed…but many hands do make for light work and with all the inner workings of this particular show, any way to make the load even one pound lighter is vastly appreciated!

Contact us at HappinessForSurvival@gmail.com and someone will contact you asap.

It is still my dream for HFS to have a 6 show run before touring and I have recently been presented with an opportunity or 2 for us to do just that.
How exciting…but there are still expenses!
My 10th grade English Teacher Mr. Fletcher told me one day “You will learn that it all comes back to economics.” I hear his voice in my head almost every day of my life echoing that very statement. It has proven true and stood the test of time whether I like it or not. So if you’re out there with a few BILLIONS to spare that you simply don’t know what to do with and you’re looking for a great investment…

I can tell you that it’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a play. It’s refreshing, surprising, soulful, thought provoking, funny, deep, emotional…& then some. It’s simply a “FEEL GOOD” experience! I heard you when you said "I want to see something wonderful, something positive, something that makes me feel alive...like I can do anything." Not to worry, HAPPINESS FOR SURVIVAL to the rescue!! 


                     BALTIMORE, MD 21218
                                (MERVO student body, staff/faculty only) 
                               FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12th-7pm
                               SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13th-7pm
                               SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14th-MATINEE 3pm
Tickets: $20.00 ea.
Tickets are now on sale! We love it when you buy your tickets in advance!
Group tickets (party of 10) will be available as well at a discounted rate of $160.00.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to read all of this and thank you for that little voice inside your head that you can hear so very clearly that’s debating right now on whether or not to help us because quite frankly that’s where it all starts.
On behalf of us all at HFS we THANK YOU and that little Philanthropist voice of yours that you just can’t seem to quiet.

& Remember, no matter whether you’re pockets are SUPER PHAT or flat broke you can always afford to give someone a smile…So look out! Peace.



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