24/7 my brain is always on. YES, even in my sleep it appears that I can't seem to turn it off. In this case it's a wonderful thing. I wanted so much to get HAPPINESS FOR SURVIVAL out to the world and my initial approach was time consuming and very costly. I know that both of these things come hand in hand with the game however I wanted to venture in other directions to accomplish my initial goals of widening out and reaching vast audiences.

 I decided to go back to my roots and for me that's the arts in school. Ever since Pre-k, I have been performing on stage...loving every minute and being the better for it. That said, I instantly thought about my Alma Mata and that, ladies & gents, is MERVO!!!

I must admit that I tried getting one of my theater pieces showcased there before and was completely shutdown. I must admit...I WAS SHOCKED! Not because I expected a hands down automatic YES
(I kinda did...LOL), not because I don't understand that rejection is a big part of life in general but definitely in this business(I really do)...I was shocked because I thought after having danced and acted for years there I had built up some sort of unspoken valuable credit within my high school. I quickly came to understand that even if I had...the person who answered the phone when I called didn't know anything about it and quite frankly didn't seem to care but as the all too over used phrase goes "If at first you don't succeed...".

I wish I could tell you that I called everyday and became an outright overbearing nuisance until they said YES to me but that's not how this story goes. Not even close. I actually went on with life, going after my dreams one audition at a time, one performance at a time so on and so forth. Years later...I decided to contact my former high school to ask again and I did.

I was told to speak with someone in the drama department and was given a name and not just any name. It was a name that I recognized upon hearing it because I worked alongside this person when I attended MERVO..."What?!!!!" I exclaimed..."He's still there?!" I needn't tell you, although I will(LOL), that made me a billion percent more hopeful but still there are no guarantees, so I was still a little nervous but more excited than anything.

I was asked to call back the next day because he had gone and I did just that and you know what? He said "That would be great!" We met that same day, caught up, spoke on having the students audition and perform HFS and ultimately set the date...well more like the month...that HAPPINESS FOR SURVIVAL will be performed there, which is February...BLACK HISTORY MONTH!!!!!!

I left that building on CLOUD 19...so very happy.
YES...I AM OVER THE MOON...AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! :)


    BALTIMORE, MD 21218

                                                  FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12th-12 NOON
                                                 (MERVO student body, staff/faculty only) 

                                                       FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12th-7pm

                                                    SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13th-7pm

                                              SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14th-MATINEE 3pm

Tickets are $20.00 & will go on sale on January 1st!
We love it when you buy your tickets in advance!

Group tickets(1=Party of 10) will be available as well at a discounted rate of $160.00

I heard you when you said "I want to see something wonderful, something positive, something that makes me feel alive...like I can do anything." Not to worry, HAPPINESS FOR SURVIVAL to the rescue!!  

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