One of the lessons that I have learned over the years is the importance of being straightforward.
There is always the temptation to make statements that feed sensationalism, or make executive decisions that chase hype and trends. I have found telling it like it is the best thing to do, even if it hurts in the short-run, because it builds a foundation of trust over the long-term. Nothing is making us waver from that strategy.

We cannot and will not chase sensationalism. I will always take a rational approach and long-term view. As thrilling as riding the hype or letting the crowd dictate my tactics may feel in the short run, it will hurt in the long run.

Build trust and be clear on your priorities and know that the right decision at the wrong time is still the wrong decision.

That philosophy should serve you and your organization well, whatever situation you are in.

When I read this I thought:

"How great is it to hear the words the you have spoken many times before come out of the minds and mouths of other seasoned professionals, reaffirming that you are on the right track and have been all along."

Challenges are just that...CHALLENGES!!

You being open and honest with yourself as to what you learn about you as you approach each challenge is priceless. Be courageous. Make your decision. Support your decision.