Anyone who knows me knows that I love interviews. I love the story telling, the struggle, the victory...it helps me tremendously. Anyway, said that to say that while I was watching this interview, a person who many feel to be very profound in sharing life lessons (His name withheld to protect the innocent...lol) this is what he said:

"The problem with many people today is they want to eat their dinner at breakfast time."

& I know what some of you are thinking "What's wrong with that?!!"

Personally I know I like to eat breakfast food at dinner time. I mean, what's better than a couple of pancakes, bacon & eggs at dinner to make your taste buds sing!! So if your thing is dinner at breakfast...Hey, whatever works!!

But I digress...

What this very influential person meant by his statement is that many seem to have a sense of entitlement, so much so that they feel it is reasonable to believe that after only putting in "5 minutes" worth of work...50 years of uninterrupted wealth and fame should be the outcome and when those results turn out to be less than reality there's what some would call a tantrum of sorts.


Of course I'll give examples!! No names though, so don't ask. Well you can ask if you want to...it's a free country but still no names. lol

Ex. 1:

One person wanted to be an actor. Woke up one day and thought "Yeah, an actor, why not?!!" He gets an opportunity to be on a film set as background talent or as some say "an extra". He thought after only 20 minutes or so being in the background was beneath him, so he left without a word.

I mean what were those film people thinking...he waited a whole 20 minutes...Why didn't they just have him act opposite of an Oscar Award Winner. lol #WOW #THENERVE

Ex. 2:

One person wanted to work with this great company. He believed in this company so much so that he agreed to come onboard pro bono and his wish was granted. He was welcomed aboard. Isn't that great?!! You'd think so but shortly after & I do mean shortly after coming aboard he wanted money. No harm in that except to say he sought out this great company not the other way around and when he didn't get his way he abandoned this great company without warning.

Oh brother, you get the opportunity of a lifetime that you emphatically asked for only to totally disappear without a word...?!! YIKES!!  #BURNEDBRIDGES

Listen...In my book there's nothing wrong with BIG DREAMS, in fact there's a whole lot right with BIG DREAMS in my world. There is no shame in wanting the absolute best for your life be it career, relationships etc...after all, time is the one thing that we can't get back so it's important to use it wisely. It's also important that we make wise business decisions. How we conduct ourselves is very telling and people generally work with those who are not only skilled but trustworthy and reliable.

I know that it's tough out here and there are no prizes in business for wearing your heart on your sleeve. No one really cares &/or wants to hear your hard luck story...all companies care about is the bottom line. You are either an asset or a liability. You can never underestimate the importance of loyalty.

The saying "It's a small world" is more than just a cliché. When one domino goes all the other dominoes go too. Our attitude and decision making often times dictate what our successes and our failures will be. So while there's absolutely nothing wrong with seeking the best opportunity possible to get you closer to you ultimate goal be careful as to how you treat people.

WORD OF MOUTH  is still one of the fastest forms of advertisement.


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