Consult not your fears but...
   This is something that I used to repeat to myself over and over to an almost obsessive degree whenever life seemed to present challenges that I found particularly straining. I used to say this over and over and the reason I would repeat this is because it calmed me and always seemed to make me feel better. Intellectually I could most assuredly wrap my mind around this very straight forward statement.
I mean, think about it. Fear is on one hand, according to the character "ROCKY", who I believe lives in us all...(Sue me, I'm a HUGE ROCKY FAN!!)is something that's nothing to be ashamed of because it keeps you alert and sharp when you control it. The problem is many seem unable to control it. In fact, they seem to be paralyzed by fear.
Too scared to move forward. Too scared to move at all actually and unfortunately it makes it so that we have now allowed the voice of fear to drown out the voice inside of us that tells us we a CHAMPIONS...The voice of fear speaks so loudly, dare I say piercingly loud and you're so tired of hearing fears voice that you make a deal with fear.
You say:
"Ok, ok...you win. I give up. I don't want to fail, so I'm not even going to try. I'll just do what I've been doing. I mean sure it's not what I really want to do but I know how to do it and I never have to worry about failing." 
Have you ever experienced that?
Know anyone who has?  
Whether that was you in the past or it's something that you're living right now...Would you agree that it was or is one of the most deflating conversations & experiences to have with yourself?  To speak in a manner that has dictated a foregone conclusion that echoes "This is all you'll ever be."
 I encourage you to turn down the volume of "fears voice" and listen to your INNER VOICE. You can do anything that you believe you can do. There are countless examples of those who have done it & they may have had a lot less than you...yet THEY CAME, THEY SAW, THEY CONQUERED & YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!
Do your absolute best!! You never know who you'll INSPIRE...Who knows...? You may even INSPIRE YOURSELF!!
There will most assuredly be lots of peaks, valleys, deserts, oceans, rain showers, thunderstorms and the like but when you BRAVE THE STORM you will see the person that you always were...

Which is a CHAMPION who now understands the importance of CONSULTING NOT YOUR FEARS BUT YOUR HOPES AND YOUR DREAMS!!!!!  


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